1.3 million disposable (single-use) vapes are thrown away every week, enough to cover 22 football pitches every year. The number of vapes thrown away are contributing to the fastest-growing waste stream in the UK with over 155,000 tonnes of electrical waste thrown away every year and 527 million electrical items hoarded in UK homes, according to new research commissioned by Material Focus.
The problem with disposable vapes
The number of vapes bought is part of a growing phenomenon in the UK with half a billion now bought each year, with almost a fifth of UK adults having bought either a single-use, rechargeable, or rechargeable with a single-use chamber vape. The research has also identified that single use vapes are particularly problematic with nearly 14 million single-use vapes bought each month, rising to 167.5 million a year, all with no clear method to dispose of or recycle the sold vapes.
The research found that over 50% of disposable vapes are thrown away, compared to 33% on average for all types of vapes. Single-use vapes are one of the most popular types of vapes to be bought alongside rechargeable vapes. 37% of people who bought vapes in the last year bought a single-use vape, and this increases to 52% for 18-34 year olds.

What can be recycled from a disposable vape?
Vapes contain a range of materials which when thrown away the materials contained inside them are lost forever. Although vapes are covered in plastic, the lithium inside the battery forms a key material hidden inside the vapes. Each single-use vapes contains on average 0.15g of lithium and with over 1.3 million single-use vapes thrown away every week this accumulates to 10 tonnes of lithium a year, equivalent to the lithium in batteries inside 1,200 electric vehicles.
Throwing away vapes means that we are throwing away some of the most precious materials on our planet.
A key part of the problem is that vapes are advertised as disposable. Producers and retailers need to work together to ensure that they should make people aware that vapes should never be binned and instead be recycled.

Why Disposable vapes should never be thrown into general waste
Lithium batteries that are thrown away can cause fires, these fires have the potential to endanger the public and waste truck operators by causing fires on streets, and waste centres across the UK and costing local councils millions of pounds. If batteries, or electricals containing batteries, end up inside bins or recycling lorries with other materials then they are crushed in the waste and recycling process.
This increases the chances that they could be punctured and self-combust, setting fire to dry and flammable waste and recycling around them.

Some Company like Elux, Elfbar, SKE, and Recover has begun to solve this issue and help the UK clean up and responsibly recycle these disposable vape products