Elf Bar has launched a recycling program for used e-cigarette products in the UK. The program is called GreenPowercycle and is a collaboration between Elf Bar and Recover, a UK lithium recycling company.

As reported by Betterretailing on November 10th, ELFBAR, the international e-cigarette brand, shared that their e-cigarette recycling bins are consistently receiving an average of approximately 1000 e-cigarettes each month. Launched in 70 stores across England and Wales in September, this recycling initiative has extended to include 1000 independent stores in Scotland.
Jacques, ELFBAR’s Global Communications Director, disclosed the company’s ambitious plans to distribute “thousands of” recycling bins to independent shops, supermarkets, and dedicated e-cigarette retailers by the year’s end. This concerted effort reflects ELFBAR’s commitment to promoting responsible disposal practices within the vaping community.